We received 148 entries correctly identifying the tribute comedy show at Spruce Knoll Music Center on page 47 of the June Observer.
“Hi there!” wrote Peggy Lubahn, who is quickly becoming a favorite Fake Adder. “The Fake Ad is on page 47, the ‘Ticketmistress’ ad. Veeeeeeeeeery clever, Fake Ad Czar! The name Roth is hidden in ‘Carrothead.’ … I didn’t even notice … the first three times I paged through, although it did finally occur to me that ‘tribute’ acts are generally put together after the death or retirement of the originals. Heavy sigh. … anyway, thanks for the mental work-out. … Your hard work thinking them up gives everyone something different to think about when a little distraction … is needed!”
“[A]nother fun read,” wrote Cherry Westerman. “I was at first intrigued by the names, but after saying ‘Laughagain’ out loud, I started looking more closely! Aziz Imsorry was almost as good. Then I noticed ‘Ticketmistress.’ … June 31 for the date and easily finding Roth in ‘Carrothead’ were bonuses.”
Our winner was Bob Maddox. He’s taking his gift certificate to Downtown Home & Garden.
To enter this month’s contest, find the Fake Ad in the July issue and enter using the address at the bottom of the Back Page. It always contains the name of the previous month’s winner in some form.