We received 121 entries correctly identifying the Fake Ad for the Leaf Garrot on page 64 of the November issue. Our previous winner’s name, Toprak, was hidden in the third line of the ad.

“First off,” wrote the melodiously named Neil Yeung, “thanks so much for providing such a great monthly peek into our lovely little town. Since moving here in 2015, it’s been an indispensable part of our lives. That being said, I’m happy to be participating in my first Fake Ad sleuth! Despite not even being born yet, I was quite aware of ’70s teen idol Leif Garrett, which made the Leaf Garrot ad on page 64 jump out … Looking forward to the thrill of potentially winning $25 (although I’ll have to break the news to my partner, who thinks the prize is actually for $250 Ha!).”

Julian Carrasquillo, another Fake Adder who we selfishly hope will never, ever win our game wrote, “This one hit close to home since I just raked more leaves for what feels like the 10,000th time this season. Let’s pitch this one!”

Our winner, Lillian Chen, is taking her gift certificate to Zingerman’s, where the Fake Ad Czar recently had a sandwich so good it restored his faith in humanity (for a while).