We received 197 entries correctly identifying the Fake Ad for Mature IT on page 32 of the April issue. 

Many readers found the ad funny. “Still laughing about this one (5:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m. … text us anytime and we’ll email you back),” wrote Diane Cupps. “Saw … Pannier embedded in the phone number … I am part of the over 65 group and I probably do a lot of those annoying things so I won’t say you’re picking on us older folk. It’s all too true.”

“I *literally* LOL with this one,” wrote Michele Boerman-Postema. Especially the list of ‘Can help you …’ Each item was a … relatable gem … I don’t even care if I’m a winner. Already been rewarded. The ad itself sparked joy and laughter.”

And Debbie Brabenec wrote, “Hilarious! As a newly-minted senior myself, I could have been offended, but instead chose to be amused!”

Not everyone made that choice. “I’d like to say that this ad was really funny,” wrote Dan Romanchik, “but it’s just not. It’s ageist and insulting.”

Romanchik has a point. The truth is, after the Fake Ad was submitted in early March, we regretted sending it. Its humor is based on broad generalizations that certainly don’t apply to all senior citizens. 

We’re grateful that Brabenec and others chose to be amused by our parody. But we apologize to Romanchik and those who found it ageist and insulting.

Our winner was Betsy Capelli. She’s taking her gift certificate to Zingerman’s. 

Order The Fake Ad and I Spy books at AnnArborObserver.com/books