
Gelman Plume a Superfund Site?

Q. Why do local governments want the EPA to declare the Gelman dioxane plume a Superfund site? A. From the 1960s into the 1980s, Gelman Sciences discharged manufacturing wash water into ponds on its Wagner Rd. property. Bacteria...

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Gelman Plume Moves East?

Q. Why does the Gelman Plume move steadily eastward? I would expect a liquid to disperse in all directions.A. Ann Arbor water treatment plant manager Brian Steglitz explains: “Just like a river, groundwater has a gradient...

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Watery Washtenaw

“When I drive around, all I see is what used to be here,” says Washtenaw County water resources commissioner Evan Pratt. What used to be here were swamps. The landscape was so wet that during the first wave of...

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