Q. The city once had an Internet liaison, Harry Haas, who helped me with Comcast issues, but he is long gone. I see many complaints on NextDoor about Internet service. Will the city someday again have an Internet liaison?
A. Harry Hasch retired in 2005. That was a time of city staff reduction from 1,000 to less than 800, and he was not replaced.
He was the city’s Cable Coordinator, overseeing CTN and administering the city’s cable franchise agreements. The city has never had an office for assisting residents with Internet issues.
In 2006, Governor Granholm signed the Uniform Video Services Local Franchise Act, PA 480. Ann Arbor utilizes this agreement with cable providers Comcast and AT&T. PA 480 designates the Michigan Public Service Commission as the agency responsible for cable inquiries and complaints. For more information, go to michigan.gov/mpsc and choose “consumer information.”