Q: I live near the University of Michigan and got a doorhanger from a company called AirGarage … I think they want me to rent out my driveway to college students.

I’m interested since I know parking is pricey on campus, and I’ve got extra spaces in my driveway, but can you all look into this company to find out if it’s legit? Is this legal in Ann Arbor?

A: Founded in 2016 by students at Arizona State University, AirGarage is one of countless “the Uber of …” companies cajoling us to turn idle assets into cash. In September, a dozen Ann Arborites were offering driveway parking spots (no garages) on its website for $25 to $75 per month.

City spokesperson Robert Kellar emails that while Ann Arbor’s parking “ordinance specifies the number, size and location of spaces, it doesn’t go so far as to specify how/who uses it. However, it would probably be a good idea for a property/home owner to discuss with their neighbors to avoid complaints.”