“I spy the mural titled ‘May Her Memory Be Our Innermost Revolution,’ by Ann Lewis,” says Lisa Pasbjerg, “commissioned by the Ann Arbor Art Center.” “Ode to RBG,” writes Scott Weber quoting the clue, is the mural “painted across the back of … one of the Duo Security buildings downtown!”

“Long live art!” says Bryan Magnuson. “I recommend the [A2AC] mural walk, which contains this work, among many astounding large scale artworks.”

“The Detroit-based artist Ann Lewis created a three-part installation which can be seen from the parking lot behind 123 N. Ashley Street,” adds Barb Tester. “Love the precision of the lines and how it draws both buildings together,” says Gerri Barr. “It took me a while to figure out there were words inside the mural,” writes Dyke McEwen, who drives by it daily. “The picture is of the word ‘Until’ on the back side of the Duo building.”

The artist’s “installations reflect messages regarding current social justice issues, women’s rights, etc.,” continues Tester. “What at first appears to be a modern geometric abstract reveals itself to read—and demand—Dissent Until Nine,” writes Amy Barnett. “Nice tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsburg,” says Ginny Weingate.

We received twenty entries, all but one correct. Our random drawing winner is Sara Kitzsteiner, who will enjoy her $25 gift certificate at Big City Small World Bakery.