We received 104 entries correctly identifying the Fake Ad for West Michigan Office Space on page 72 of the June issue. The previous month’s winner’s last name, “Varnum,” was hidden in the photograph of the Varnum building in Grand Rapids.
“Well, you almost had me this month,” wrote Stacy Mero. “I searched and searched, with no luck finding an ad that caught my attention as fake, and no clear mention of the past winner’s name. And then, just as I was about to give up, I spotted it: ‘Varnum,’ barely visible on the building in the ad on page 72 for waterfront office space in west Michigan. Very well done!”
Not everyone spotted the name. “While I honestly can’t figure out the Varnum reference in the page 72 ad for prime waterfront office space,” wrote Greg Leader, “I recognize the indubitable Fake Ad style. BTW, I loved your description of the Fake Ad creation process!”
But everyone found the Dutch treats in the ad appetizing. “I believe the fake ad is on page 72,” wrote Joanne Coughlin. “I wish we had unlimited stroopwaffles and speculaas to eat!”
Jonathan Sills was chosen as our winner. He’s taking his gift certificate to Zingerman’s.
Order The Fake Ad Book and I Spy: Ann Arbor Architecture at AnnArborObserver.com/books.