The Fake Ad for Desk Set on page 81 of the March Observer elicited exactly 150 correct answers. The ad included a picture of a bookcase displaying three books.
“Two of the books clearly showed the names of the authors,” writes Ginny Weingate. “At first I didn’t read the faint name at the upper right of the third book. The title of the book reminded me of a book on my shelf called Lady Tan’s Circle of Women by Lisa See. This historical fiction is about the fifteenth century midwifery in China and the cooperation among the women involved. In See’s acknowledgements she identifies Yi-Li Wu’s book as her first inspiration. Yi-Li Wu is the author of Reproducing Women (and it’s her name on the cover of the third book). And she is an associate professor in U-M’s LSA Department of History!”
Jayne Bower also found the name of last month’s winner “in microscopic letters on the Reproducing Women book.” And Tom Blessing wrote, “As someone with a legal background, it pays to read the fine print.”
Our winner was Fiona Lunt, a wonderful name that sounds a bit like someone drinking a gimlet in a Billy Wilder movie. She’s taking her gift certificate to Zingerman’s.