We received a near-record 285 entries correctly identifying the Fake Ad for the Pit Cooker on page 61 of the February issue.
“Your Fake Ad writers absolutely outdid themselves with the ‘Pit Cooker’ ad,” wrote Margaret Klauscher. “I was torn between giggling and gagging at the idea of using your armpit as a sweaty sous-vide.” What a funny idea–that we have more than one writer.
Evgueni Filipov also saw two sides to the ad. “This was probably the funniest ad you have had in a while,” he wrote. “The Pit Cooker was just great! The name [of January winner Kathy Erwin] is in the ‘anothER WINter.’ Anyway, gross and hilarious at the same time.”
Harm Buning found the ad too, but he also corrected us on a mistake we made last month. “I appreciate the mention in last month’s ‘Fake Ad’ column, but the ‘Harm Buning’ referenced in connection with Apollo 15 was my Dad, another devoted Observer reader who passed away back in 2006,” Buning wrote. “Keep up the good (and imaginative!) work!” We apologize for the error, and appreciate the kind words.
Martha Farmer was chosen as our winner. She chose Cardamom for her gift certificate.