Swirlberry on State Street, which opened just last summer, closed–not unexpectedly, because the building is being torn down to make room for a CVS. Nevertheless, owner Nico Leo (who owns the business along with Gaal Karp) says he decamped slightly before the lease was up because his froyo wasn’t a good match with price-conscious students. “We consider our product to be a premium product. We can’t buy it as cheaply as the competition in the area.”
Swirlberry is still going strong at Plum Market, where it’s sold in the coffee shop, as well as at several other stores and kiosks around southeastern Michigan.
Got a retail or restaurant change? Send email to sallymitani@gmail.com or tonymcreynolds@tds.net, or leave voicemail at 769-3175, ext. 309.