“‘Two down’ can only mean one thing,” says David Karl quoting September’s clue: “the second Alden B. Dow building to be torn down.” “Dow demolition 2.0,” agrees Bob Hart. “Okay, I was wrong last month, but this month really does look like the Fleming,” concurs Jacqueline Courteau, about the “Dow building that formerly housed U-M administration.” “As of August 27,” adds Ken Koral, it’s “entirely torn down.” 

This “building has certainly been a conversation topic since it was completed in 1968,” writes Barb Tester. “For some it was an example of an architect’s vision with little regard as to how it would be utilized. For others, it was just a confusing structure with windows in the oddest places.” Karl notes that one of Dow’s “more unusual creative ideas was fur siding.” According to abdow.org, this indeed was a consideration for the Fleming Building due to its insulating properties, but never made it past the R&D phase. 

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