Washtenaw Support Network for Caregivers

(734) 998–9352
Collaborative initiative for anyone who cares for a family member or friend age 60+. Provides caregiver educational programs, caregiver social outings, individualized care-planning consultations, group transportation and respite care during caregiver activities, home chores, and handyman services. Services provided by Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County, Jewish Family Services of Washtenaw County, and University of Michigan Health–Silver Club Memory Programs. All services are free and funded by Exhale, the Family Caregiver Initiative. washtenawcaregivers@umich.edu, michmed.org/washtenawcaregivers

WISE Aging & Caregiver Support Services (Jewish Family Services)

WISE Aging & Caregiver Support Services (Jewish Family Services)

2245 S. State • (734) 769–0209
Support for aging individuals and caregivers of aging or ill loved ones. Information, referrals, introductions to facilities and service providers, monthly support groups, and educational workshops. Care management, nutrition services, medical and health support, transportation assistance, social connections, home support and transitions, mental health support, insurance and legal matters, and end-of-life decisions and care. info@jfsannarbor.org, jfsannarbor.org/transforming-aging V