Dumpster Dive
Last August, my friend Tom arrived late to our weekly socially distant gathering (My Town,...
Read MoreLast August, my friend Tom arrived late to our weekly socially distant gathering (My Town,...
Read MoreSt. Thomas Cemetery, often referred to as “the Old Catholic Cemetery,” sits at the...
Read MoreDuring the warm months of the pandemic, my husband and I took walks in different neighborhoods,...
Read MoreIt was early April, in the first days of Covid, when I came upon the small stone on top of an...
Read More“I come from a car family,” says Holly Fischer. “I got the bug from my...
Read MoreI lived in Ann Arbor for twenty-three years, then semi-retired to Florida in Mickey Mouse’s...
Read MoreAug 8, 2020 | Community, Marketplace, My Town |
In 1973, I was a senior at U-M, heading off to grad school at UCLA. My dorm room at Baits Housing, high on a hill overlooking North Campus, was filled with mementos and metaphysical charms: tissue paper flowers, stuffed animals,...
Read MoreAfter forwarding a variety of news stories to a friend in Las Vegas on January 21, as an afterthought I texted, “Watch this Wuhan, China event, they’ve shut down a city of over 50 million people. Imagine if that...
Read MoreAs an employee in a grocery store during the pandemic, I have seen numerous changes in how we work...
Read MoreForget toilet paper shortages. One of the earliest items to sell out during this siege was jigsaw puzzles. Finally, I am ahead of the trend! I didn’t need to worry about procuring any, because I try to keep a few...
Read MoreWith the passage of the 2018 Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Act, adults may legally...
Read MoreChanneling Alex Trebek: This little muddle-class, middle-aged Michigander recently turned from...
Read MoreI gave him $50 to pay his final probation fee, helped him write a resume, and worked with him to...
Read More“I didn’t know Michigan had a football team,” I told my boyfriend when I first moved to Ann Arbor. It was new-person swagger and a little bit of truth. Coming from the land of dawgs and gators, I needed to...
Read MoreLast winter, as I flipped through Pittsfield Township’s Rec & Ed brochure, I paused...
Read MoreYou can look it up. Twenty dollars in 1965 equates to about $150 today. And in 1965 you could walk...
Read MoreCuriosity and volunteering are how I have the good fortune to know Jim Ottaviani and his wife, Kat...
Read MoreIn June, a semitruck rammed into a power pole on Main St. It knocked a traffic light askew. Many...
Read MoreI was stopped at the light at Stadium and Pauline one fine afternoon, minding my own business and...
Read MoreWhen Bob Lutz drove up to the Millcraft Paper Company on Boardwalk, he spotted a red metallic...
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