Considering how many Fake Adders said that last month’s Fake Ad for Camp Bellow was too easy, it’s a bit of a surprise that we received only 125 entries correctly identifying it on page 61 of the March issue.
Billed as “a city camp for country kids,” it promised to give children the opportunity to read books in a library while watching other kids play on a lake. “It’s actually a great idea for bookwormy children,” wrote Rebecca Biber. “If this had existed when I was a kid, I would have asked my parents to sign me up!”
Pat Trieb, on the other hand, could imagine problems. Students “‘exploring’? Saul Bellow?” she asked. “Ha! (I would not want to be their camp counselor!)”
“Glad to see there’s at least one summer retreat for kids promoting great literature,” wrote Michael Goldenberg, “though I’m not sure how much they’ll like THE ADVENTURES OF AUGIE MARCH. HENDERSON THE RAIN KING would be perfect for those inclement summer days, however.”
The last name of February winner Bonnie Campbell was hidden, just barely, in the camp’s name. Kathleen Singer won our March drawing and is donating her gift certificate to Meals on Wheels.
To enter this month’s contest, find the fake ad in the April issue and follow the instructions in the box at the bottom of the Back Page. The fake ad always contains the name of last month’s winner in some form.