Mr. Johnny Cat. Photo credit: Leuk’s Landing

by Theo Poling

You’re home when
you can find Division Street,
making a straight shot back
through traffic that
could be

You’re home when
the cherry blossoms bloom early
downtown because of all the
concrete and steam tunnels
hiding beneath our

You’re home when
you can stop by Leuk’s Landing
to see Mr. Johnny Cat and
all his feline friends protected
and cared for with

Home is where
there is always
a new restaurant to try,
a new park to walk,
a new fair to peruse.

Home is where
the mental map
fills in until you
no longer need
Google Maps.

Home is where the mitten is,
where the friends are,
where the autumn sings gold
and the spring dances pink–
you are welcome


Theo Poling (he/they) is a creative writer, artist, and conflict resolution facilitator from Ann Arbor, MI (UMich RC Creative Writing ’22), who currently studies peacemaking and mediation at Stanford University. Theo draws inspiration for their poetry from feelings of being home, as well as the homesickness that strikes when he’s away. 


This is an original poem, brought to you by Poet Tree Town, an Ann Arbor-based poetry-in-public initiative and celebration of local Washtenaw poets. Find out more about Poet Tree Town on Instagram and Facebook, or say hello at