Q: The roads and streets in Ann Arbor are terrible. They cause much damage to cars, trucks, and bikes in many ways. Why is it that nothing is done each and every year to “fix the damn roads?”
A: City public works spokesperson Robert Kellar responds by email:
“The city utilizes three funding sources to repair/resurface/reconstruct roads and for transportation improvements; Act 51 funds (gas taxes and registration fees), local street millage (first passed back in the 1980s) and then state and federal grants. In addition, the city administrator recently moved to sell bonds to increase/speed up road work.
“Our Street Construction Selection page discusses exactly that.
“We also maintain a pavement condition dashboard that shows the city’s PASER rating data so that residents can see for themselves the conditions roads are in. It also shows a map of current construction projects.
“We understand the frustration expressed in this email. Within that frustration it’s critical to remember that unlike many communities in Michigan, Ann Arbor faces the daunting challenge of a massive influx of people each workday, nearly doubling the city’s population. Funding from ACT 51 funds, or other state and federal monies, don’t take that challenge into consideration.”
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