by Kyunghee Kim

when the autumn leaves fall

your path shows me to

let go


to shed the past

all that i am holding onto

that letting go is also the making

of something new


look at how bare, how free your limbs are now

winter’s sky wide open, welcoming the bitter

as your wind brushes my face, waking me up like a morning call-

like a wake-up-call to slow down

slow down to see, slow down to be present

as we walk in care with our frozen toes, overlooking this frozen river

this slippery path that mothers us to

slow down


mothering us to slow down


because we are here for a while.



About this poem: 

Kyunghee Kim is an Ypsilanti-based writer and coach who explores loving and living in the complexities of loss through themes of belonging, becoming, and everyday life. This poem, “Wintering on the Ann Arbor Trails,” expresses the countless times the Ann Arbor trails, around Argo Park and the Matthaei Botanical Gardens, have offered her wisdom and beauty as she walks through the seasons.



This is an original poem, brought to you by Poet Tree Town, an Ann Arbor-based poetry-in-public initiative and celebration of local poets. Find out more about Poet Tree Town on Instagram and Facebook, or say hello at