Sandria Haney knows jeans and knows how to give parties, which certainly explains why she’s opened a business called Party In Our Pants on South University. That background may also explain why Haney is rather grandly indifferent to the usual advice given to novice shop owners about long hours. “For the first couple of months, it’s just going to be by event, so just check the website,” she says. “It is a store, but my background stems from parties and events and entertaining.”
Haney concedes she might eventually have something like nine-to-five hours, but she adds, “I initially planned it to be a combination between a party location and a store.” Laughing, she adds, “It’s not the traditional retail store experience!”
Although this is Haney’s first bricks-and-mortar store, and she’s not quite thirty, she isn’t a business novice. A Californian from Orange County, she didn’t finish her degree at the U-M in 2003; since then, she says, “I’ve been starting companies. First I had an event-planning company in San Francisco. Then I started Party In Our Pants in 2005.” Until now, the “party” always took place at other people’s houses, based on the famous Tupperware business model, although she sold her high-end denim merchandise online as well. After several years back in California, Haney returned to Ann Arbor on a visit, saw the upstairs space vacated by Ana Banana, and decided to open a retail store. But so far the only regular hours she’s committing to are every Wednesday, when she’ll have a Hump Day Happy Hour from 5 to 8 p.m. (Haney, a boisterous free spirit, seems to naturally think in double entendres).
She plans to open the doors mainly for jeans-selling parties and other frequent but TBA special events. “We do fashion shows. We’ll bring in girls to show how to wear these skinny jeans, or whatever. We also sell work by independent designers—T-shirts, totes, jewelry”—like the chunky leather bracelet, $40, by local Marty Flint that adorns her wrist. She’ll be hosting events to promote the designers’ work as well. (Haney says it’s entirely a coincidence that she is the second business to open in the last year on South University that evolved from web networking and promotional events. Motivation Boutique down the street has an eerily similar backstory.)
Asked whether there’s a big market in Ann Arbor for expensive jeans, she answers, “I think so. Fashion is popular with young women no matter where you are. It’s not just a regional thing.” The jeans are “authentic designer jeans, and they’re pretty pricey. I would say the cheapest pair is a hundred dollars. The most expensive is three hundred and fifteen.” What’s so good about them? “Right this second I have on Paige jeans. With Paige, you can have one of those fat days and you still look pulled together and sharp and cute. They’re magic. I’m a total believer in the expensive pants.”
Party In Our Pants, 1103 South University, 299–7467, Wed. & Fri. 5–8 p.m., plus limited daytime hours during the summer.