THE TALENT AGENT is The Comic Opera Guild’s update on the 1731 one act comic opera by Pergolesi, The Music Master. It tells the story of Lauretta, the voice student, and her teacher and agent Mr. Lambert. Lambert feigns dissatisfaction with her progress in order to keep her under his supervision, since he is actually in love with her but won’t admit it. The big time agent Barry Collagianni comes by the office and is sufficiently struck by her beauty to promote her for a role in a new musical. “GoGo Boots”. This is a catastrophe for Lambert, who fears he now will lose her. Ultimately, it becomes too difficult for him not to admit his feelings, and things end happily.

The interactions between Lambert and Lauretta will tickle anyone who has taken voice lessons, and the portrayal of Collagianni, who rates beauty over talent in casting, could apply to Hollywood. Claudia Wier, a COG board member who has sung professionally in Europe, will direct. She has made a detailed study of early Italian opera, and feels that the theme of this little opera is as valid today as it was nearly 300 years ago. It will be sung in an original English version, and accompanied by a string quintet.


Friday, March 22 & Saturday March 23, 8 pm

Sunday, march 24, 2 pm

Riverside Arts Complex, 76 N. Huron, Ypsilanti
