Q. I love the Hoyt Trail at Parker Mills County Park. However, sometimes the odor from the nearby wastewater treatment plant ruins a visit. Is there a way to know when the odor will be bad?
A. City public works spokesperson Robert Kellar replies: “Unfortunately, it is very difficult to predict with certainty all possibilities of odors occurring, however we are taking steps to reduce the chances of them happening in the first place.
“The Wastewater Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF for short) conducted an odor study to determine areas of the plant where odors could occur and leave the site. Based on that study an odor control system at the headworks is currently under construction and will be completed later this year. In addition, a second odor control system is scheduled for construction in FY26. When someone smells something near the plant, they can report the issue by calling (734) 845–0781, or utilize the A2 Fix It app on their phones, so we can investigate the cause promptly and determine if corrective measures can be implemented.”
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