Tim Hortons and Dick Tyler’s Tavern, both in the Landmark apartment building on the corner of Forest and South University, are closed. Celecia Jones, an employee at 7-Eleven, also in the building, says she doesn’t know when they closed. “Someone came around the other day and said ‘Where’s Tim Hortons?’ and we said, ‘Around the corner,’ and they said, ‘No, it’s not.'”
Jones didn’t even know Dick Tyler’s was closed until we told her. A reader tipped us off, and we found their number had been disconnected. Dick Tyler’s opened in 2013 as a World of Beer franchise, and the owners renamed it last year when they took the World of Beer franchise to Canton. Owners Chad Wilson and Steve Rossi couldn’t be reached. Their World of Beer in Canton no longer seems to exist either. The company website shows the closest WOBs are in Chicago and Columbus.
An April Marketplace Changes item on the closing of Dick Tyler’s Tavern in the Landmark student high-rise said that the same owner’s World of Beer franchise in Canton also appeared to have closed. A reader emailed to say that it has yet to open.