March 1, 2025 6:00 pm
Observer Editor
Magic: The Gathering: Sylvan Factory

Every Mon.–Wed., Fri., & Sat. All invited to play various forms of the collectible card game Magic: The Gathering (MTG). Sat. (6 p.m.): Casual Commander Pods. Mon. (6:30 p.m.): Just Another Modern Monday. Powerful cards for experienced players, with prizes. $10. Tues. (6:30 p.m.): MTG Pauper. A fun and fast format for all skill levels. $5. Wed. (5 p.m.): Casual Commander. The most popular form of the game. Free. Wed. (6:30 p.m.): MTG Standard Showdown. Play with competitive tournament rules. $10. Fri. (6:30 p.m.): Friday Night Magic. Cost varies. For groups of 4 players. Free. Various times, Sylvan Factory, 2459 W. Stadium. Various costs., (734) 929–5877.

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