March 1, 2025 Various Times
Observer Editor
“Journey to the Sugarbush”: Hudson Mills Metropark

Every Sat. & Sun., Feb. 22–Mar. 9. Maple tree tapping and a chance to see sap being made into syrup. The 40-minute-long program takes place primarily outdoors, is appropriate for all ages, and includes a short off-trail walk. Also, a chance to order a pancake breakfast (preorder separately only when you preregister) and purchase local maple products. Program canceled if the weather isn’t right for maple production. 11 a.m., noon, and 2 p.m., Hudson Mills Activity Center, 8801 North Territorial Rd., Dexter. $5 (kids, $3; kids age 2 and under, free). Preregistration required at by 4 p.m. the day before the program. Metropark pass or $10 vehicle entry fee required. (734) 426–8211.

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