Community Listing
Cocktail Class: Ladies Sling the Booze: Tammy's Tastings
Bartending was historically a man’s world, but that doesn’t mean there haven’t been women behind the bar and in the distilleries. We’ll celebrate Women’s History Month with a class where you’ll meet some of them through their cocktails, from golden age giants like Ada Coleman (head bartender at the Savoy in London), to wartime Bessie the Bartenders, to modern trendsetters like Audrey Saunders and Ivy Mix.
Your booking includes light snacks (pretzels, nuts). The Last Word is closed during the class, so no food service is available. The class includes a combination of history and stories, technique instruction, and hands-on making of cocktails. Plus sampling, of course! Total consumption is equivalent to around 2 cocktails per person over the 2 hour class.
The Last Word, 301 W Huron St ,Ann Arbor. $59. 7342763215.Add this event to your calendar: Google Calendar | iCal