We received 219 entries correctly identifying the Fake Ad for “Le Mot Juste” on page 35 of the February issue.
Ann Whiting.wrote, “You channeled the ‘Wordle’ game. ‘Schlotfeldt’ was a serious challenge to hide … but not impossible to find.” Our winner, Ed Kimball, wrote, “The previous winner’s name is in the last 11 letters of the Wordle grid–even though I doubt that Wordle would accept either of the last two ‘words.'”
Every time we see Kimball’s entries, we think of Hank Kimball, the county agricultural agent on Green Acres. (We’re old. You probably are too. You’re reading a magazine, for god’s sake.)
Did you know that Kimball was played by Alvy Moore, a former Marine who fought in the battle of Iwo Jima? Or that Moore played David Douglas, the Scottish botanist for whom the Douglas fir is named, on How the West Was Won? And, that he was one of the screenwriters for A Boy and His Dog? Or that he was so proud of Green Acres, his license plate was “GRNACRS?” Or that, while playing Kimball, he continued to umpire Little League baseball games? Imagine hearing the umpire call out, “Strike! Well, maybe it wasn’t a strike. But it certainly wasn’t a ball either.”
Kimball, Ed Kimball, is taking his gift certificate to the West End Grill.
To enter this month’s contests, send email to backpage@aaobserver.com or mail to 2390 Winewood, AA 48103. All correct entries received by noon, March 10, will be eligible for our random drawings. Winners receive $25 gift cards or certificates to any business advertising in this issue.