New at Washtenaw Ave.’s Arbor Hills center is Texas-based jewelry store Kendra Scott. “We’re mostly known for our specific shapes and our use of natural gemstones,” says store manager Markie Yager. She says their most frequent customers are college-aged women, “but we also have a lot of mothers and grandmothers. It’s kind of catered to all ages.”

The chain was founded in 2002 after Scott began making custom jewelry at her home in Austin and selling it to local boutiques. She uses many brightly colored gemstones in her simple geometric designs, and each store features a “color bar,” where customers can choose a “frame” for a necklace, bracelet, or earrings, followed by a gemstone, and an employee will set the stone then and there. Yager says a bracelet costs $38 to $78.

The store replaces one portion of the center’s former large North Face store. Coldwater Creek will open soon in the remaining area.

Kendra Scott, 3050 Washtenaw Ave. (Arbor Hills). (734) 217-4427. Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m.-8 p.m., Sun. noon-6 p.m.