Planning & Development, 301 E. Huron (Larcom City Hall), 1st fl. (734) 794–6267. Administers and enforces land development ordinances, coordinates site plan review, prepares the city master plan in collaboration with the city planning commission, enforces building codes and ordinances, inspects rental property, coordinates activities of the planning and historic district commissions and city appeal boards, and issues various permits and licenses.
The City of Ann Arbor uses STREAM as its online permitting system. To apply for a permit or pay an invoice, visit
Planning. (734) 794–6265. This unit, headed by planning manager Brett Lenart, serves as the staff for the planning commission, historic district commission, and design review board. Development proposals currently under review can be found at, and zoning information at
Construction inspections/building. (734) 794–6263. Reviews plans for proposed construction, enforces state building codes, and inspects all permitted construction within the city. Building permits are required for all new construction, alterations, additions, decks and fences, and almost all repairs. Fees are based on the cost and scope of the project. (search for Building Permits)
The Permit desk, (734) 794–6267, issues permits for sidewalk occupancy, barricades, street closings, races, parades, rallies, and other events; issues permits to work in the public right-of-way; conducts exams and issues licenses for sewer installers; and administers licenses for peddlers and solicitors, including charitable organizations.
Rental housing. (734) 794–6000, ext. 42669. The rental housing section, managed by Lisha Turner-Tolbert, registers and inspects all rental properties approximately every 30 months. Tenants may request additional inspections for specific problems.