We received 169 entries correctly identifying Deem Anvils on page 41 of the September issue. This month’s
winner, Richard Norman, writes, “I was so happy to see the ad for Deem Anvils. I was constantly losing mine and couldn’t figure it out until my wife complained about how difficult it sometimes is to take out the trash.”
Bert Moberg explains, “The previous winner’s name can be found in the phrase FREE DeeM ANvils. The ad does fail to mention if they are warrantied against being dropped from cliffs.”
“Congratulations, Fake Ad Czar, for triggering my first-ever coffee-spit-take … when I read ‘Buy One Get One Free,'” writes Peggy Lubahn. “I was successful in getting the coffee stain out of my tablecloth, and the laugh was totally worth the laundry!”
Longtime Fake Adder Sonia Zawacki writes, “your fake ad for ‘Deem Anvils’ almost made me want to purchase an anvil, er, make that two anvils, one free of course. But I would have no idea what to do with it, er, them. And the ‘iron-clad lifetime warranty’ made me laugh–can these things even break? … Your cleverness in coming up with an ad for anvils is admirable! As always, thanks for the fun!”
Richard Norman is taking his gift certificate to Zingerman’s.
To enter this month’s contests, send email to backpage@aaobserver.com or mail to 2390 Winewood, AA 48103. All correct entries received by noon, October 11, will be eligible for our random drawings. Winners will receive $25 gift cards or certificates to any business advertising in this issue.
Order The Fake Ad and I Spy books at AnnArborObserver.com/books.