

115 E. Liberty (inside Robot Supply & Repair) • (734) 761–3463
Offers free creative writing programs to school-age students. Volunteer opportunities include writing-based workshops, field trips, in-school writing projects, retail store staffing, design projects, and more. Day, evening, and weekend shifts available, at the center downtown and in local schools. Must be 18 or older. info@826michigan.org, 826michigan.org/volunteer

Arbor Hospice

2366 Oak Valley • (888) 992–2273
Opportunities range from offering companionship at the bedside, assisting with household chores, providing clerical support, or helping with community events. arborhospice.org/get-involved

Avalon Housing

1327 Jones, ste. 102 • (734) 663–5858
Food pantries: help staff and tenants with pantry setup, food pickup, and cleanup. Seasonal group projects: grounds/garden bed cleanup, installing native plants at Avalon properties. Main office reception: routing phone calls, accepting rent payments, and data entry tasks. avalonhousing.org/volunteer

Children’s Literacy Network

1100 N. Main, ste. 207 (NEW Center) • (734) 255–3997
Literacy-based programs to help children develop a love of reading and books. Volunteers meet with children in their schools. BookPALS combines pen pals with peer-assisted learning strategies to connect students across communities; Family Literacy Interactive Program helps families build literacy skills together; Read With Kids pairs a reading mentor with children in grades preK–1; and Reading Stars, Readers Theater combines reading, writing, and performance. childrensliteracynetwork.org V