Alcholics Anonymous

2727 Fernwood (church annex; AA is not affiliated with any religious/political group) • Meeting locator helpline: (734) 482–5700 (9 a.m.–11 p.m. daily) • Office: (734) 482–0707
12-step support groups for anyone who desires to stop drinking. Call or visit website for in-person and Zoom meeting schedule.,

Ann Arbor Women’s Group, A2WG

PO Box 3433, AA 48106 • (734) 707–9780
Creates opportunities for women recovering from alcohol and drug addiction. Free child care during 12-step meetings (ages 6 months–11 years) at Zion Lutheran Church (501 W. Liberty) Wed. 7–9 and 2|42 Church (638 S. Wagner Rd.) Sat. 7–9 p.m. Monthly activities to strengthen women’s sobriety through fun and informative events, workshops and retreats, and more., V

Center for Eating Disorders

111 N. First, ste. 2 • (734) 668–8585
Outpatient telehealth treatment for children, teens, and adults with binge eating disorder, bulimia, anorexia nervosa, ARFID, and related disorders. Assessments, individual psychotherapy, nutrition counseling, and coordination of medical management services for all eating disorders. Specialized services for binge eating disorder through Bodywise Program.,,

Gamblers Anonymous

(855) 222–5542 (Michigan hotline)
12-step program and open meetings for compulsive gamblers. Open meeting Wed. 8 p.m., Alano Club (995 N. Maple). Check website for other possible times and information about Gam-Anon, a support group for families and friends.

Home of New Vision

3115 Professional Dr. • (734) 975–1602
Provides treatment and programs to empower, protect, and encourage the lives of men and women affected by substance use disorder. Support through the Washtenaw Recovery Advocacy Project (WRAP). Outpatient, residential, women’s specialty, recovery housing, recovery coaching, case management, and Engagement Center services.,