Saline – Groups and Clubs
American Truck Historical Society (Southeastern Michigan [SEMI] Chapter)
American Truck Historical Society (Southeastern Michigan [SEMI] Chapter). John Dresden III, (248) 752–3830. Free meetings feature a speaker and discussion with antique truck owners about finding parts in the area, the history of trucking, and local historical events. Meets Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept., & Nov., 3rd Tues. 7 p.m., usually at Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds (5055 Ann Arbor–Saline Rd.). National dues $55 (includes six issues of Wheels of Time), additional $15 for chapter.,
Freemasons Saline Masonic Lodge #133
Freemasons Saline Masonic Lodge #133, 109 W. Michigan Ave. (Saline Masonic Temple). (734) 335–8762. Fraternal organization participating in scholarships, local charities, and community service projects. Meets 1st Tues.; dinner at 6:45 p.m., business meeting at 7:30 p.m.,
Friends of the Saline District Library
Friends of the Saline District Library, 555 N. Maple (Saline District Library). (734) 994–0625. All-volunteer organization supports and promotes the library’s mission and programs. Operates the library’s Corner Book Shop. Board meeting 1st Thurs. 6:30 p.m.,
Friends of the Saline River
Friends of the Saline River, PO Box 432, Saline 48176. Manages the Leslee Niethammer Saline River Preserve and holds Saline River volunteer cleanup events.,
Kiwanis Club
Kiwanis Club, 3702 Hedgerow Dr., Saline 48176 (mailing). (734) 395–1268. Supports efforts to improve the lives of children. Provides dictionaries to Saline School District 3rd graders and scholarships to high school seniors. Meets 1st Mon. 6 p.m. at the Saline American Legion Hall (320 W. Michigan Ave.) and 3rd Mon. 6 p.m. at Saline Area Social Service (1259 Industrial). Dues $135.
Knights of Columbus Saline Council #6674
Knights of Columbus Saline Council #6674. Todd Elekonich, (734) 678–6166. Catholic charity organization. Meets 1st Wed. 8 p.m. (preceded by 7 p.m. Mass), St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church (910 Austin). Dues: $40 (new members, first year free).,
Memory Café
Memory Café. Lori Venable, (734) 945–1707. Social gatherings in dementia-friendly venues that allow people experiencing brain changes and their care partners to gather with others on the journey. Twice monthly; free and open to all.,
Order of the Eastern Star
Order of the Eastern Star, Chapter 311. (517) 673–8152. A community-service charitable organization that supports scholarships for college education. Meets monthly (except July & Aug.) 1st Mon. 7:30 p.m.,
Saline American Legion, Post 322
Saline American Legion, Post 322, 320 W. Michigan Ave. (734) 429–7310. Supports veterans and the surrounding community. Raises money for veteran organizations and causes; offers scholarships for Saline High School students; installs/removes U.S. flags; and more. Meets last Thurs. 7 p.m. Sons of the American Legion meet 2nd Mon. 5 p.m. American Legion Auxiliary meets last Mon. 6 p.m.,
Saline Area Chamber of Commerce
Saline Area Chamber of Commerce, 100 E. Michigan Ave., ste. 10. (734) 429–4494. Business and community events throughout the year. Weekly member and community updates for the Saline area, including surrounding townships.,