Dexter – Religion

🏳️‍🌈 — Institution identifies as open and affirming to the LGBTQ+ community

St. Joseph Catholic Parish

Country Church: 6805 Mast • Office: 3430 Dover • (734) 426–8483
Est. 1840. Fr. Brendan Walsh. Membership: 1,200 families. Weekend masses: Sat. 5 p.m., Sun. 9 & 11 a.m. Original “Village Church,” 3430 Dover: weekday liturgy Mon.–Fri. 8:15 a.m.,

Webster United Church of Christ

5484 Webster Church Rd. • (734) 426–5115
Est. 1834. Pastor Charity Omartian. Membership: 100. An open and affirming congregation. Washtenaw County’s oldest continuously operating church. Sun. 10 a.m. (in person/online). Communion served 1st Sun. of month. Outdoor worship in summer, 1st Sun., ️‍