Dexter – Groups & Clubs
American Legion, Post 557
8225 Dexter-Chelsea Rd. • (734) 426–4511
Veterans organization. Meets 1st Thurs. 7:30 p.m. Taco Tuesday with chips 4–7 p.m. $3 for one; $8 for three. Burger and fries or onion rings every Thurs. 4–7 p.m. $8. Karaoke every Friday 7:30 p.m.–midnight. Poppy sale in early May. Women’s Auxiliary meets 3rd Wed. 7 p.m. Sons of the American Legion meets 2nd Tues. 7 p.m.,
Ann Arbor Model Railroad Club
3487 Broad • (734) 426–5100
Meets Wed. 7:30–9 p.m. A parent or guardian must accompany junior members. Dues $120 (supporting member, $45; juniors, free).
Dexter Area Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 478, Dexter 48130 • (734) 576–6354
Organization that connects the community with businesses in Dexter. Annual golf outing, summer concert series and festival, annual events, membership dinner. Board meets last Wed. each month, 9 a.m., Sun Times office (8123 Main).,
Dexter Area Historical Society
3443 Inverness • (734) 426–2519
Supports and maintains the Dexter Area Historical Museum and Gordon Hall to preserve Dexter’s history and connect its community with its past and future.,

Dexter Garden Club
7610 Ann Arbor St. (St. Andrew’s United Church of Christ Fellowship Hall, behind the church) • Deb Fredericks, (734) 646–7335
Like-minded individuals of all ages share their gardening skills and knowledge. Hosts speakers. Plants and maintains downtown and Dexter Library flower beds. Teaches a monthly preschooler gardening class. Hosts an annual plant sale; proceeds fund scholarships for high school seniors and grants for garden-related community projects. Hosts a community “green day” on the 3rd Sat. of May in Monument Park. Meets monthly, 2nd Tues., Sept.–June 6:30 p.m.,
Dexter Heritage Guild
3443 Inverness • Museum: (734) 426–2519 • Secretary/treasurer Carol Ann Emerick: (734) 228–8001
Supports the Dexter Area Historical Museum. Meets at the museum Jan.–Aug. on the 3rd and 4th Wed., and every Wed. Sept.–Nov. All meetings 10 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Dexter Knights of Columbus, Council 2959
8265 Dexter-Chelsea Rd. (Columbus Hall and Banquet Center) • (734) 426–5558
Fraternal order of Catholic men. Sponsors fish fry every Fri. during Lent and an annual chicken broil. Meets 1st Wed. 7:30 p.m. 300-seat hall for rent for community events, fundraisers, weddings, parties.
Dexter Lions Club
PO Box 102, Dexter 48130
A community association focused on serving the community through local projects. Volunteers of all ages welcome. Meets 1st and 3rd Thurs. 6:45 p.m., DAPCO Industries lunchroom (2500 E. Bishop Cir.). Dues $75.
Dexter Rotary Club
Funds projects that help families, youth, and the environment. Service projects include the Dexter Memorial Day Parade, college scholarships, student exchange, youth leadership program, Gordon Hall renovation, and donating fresh produce and school supplies to families in need. Meets each Thurs. 7:30 a.m. Chela’s Restaurant & Taqueria (7065 Dexter–Ann Arbor Rd.) and Zoom (email for code).,
Dexter Senior Center
2810 Baker, ste. 101 (Dexter Wellness Center) • (734) 426–7737
Serving the greater Dexter area for more than 50 years. Exercise programs, social events, arts and crafts, cards and games, and musical groups. Meals on Wheels delivers a hot meal and optional snack to its homebound friends Mon.–Fri. Meals on-site Mon.–Fri. Suggested meal donations: age 55+ $3; younger than 55 $5.50. Dues: age 55+ $20; younger than 55 $35. Free bus passes available.,
Friends of the Dexter Library
3255 Alpine • (734) 426–4477
Raises funds and provides volunteer help for the library and its programs. Meets fourth Tues. 7 p.m. and holds a book sale on the first Sat. 9 a.m.–3 p.m. in the library’s lower level.
Michigan Sailing Club
8010 Strawberry Lake Rd.
Membership includes use of club sailboats, windsurfers, canoes, kayaks, and stand-up paddleboards. Hosts formal regattas and informal racing on Baseline Lake at the Dexter Clubhouse. Summer social activities include picnics, barbecues, and swimming. Open Apr. 1–Oct. 31.

Midwest Sailing and Portage Yacht Club
8930 Dexter-Pinckney Rd. • (734) 426–4155
Midwest Sailing sells and repairs sailboats, sails, docks, and hoists. Portage Yacht Club features a year-round restaurant, holds sailboat races on Thurs. evenings, and rents pontoon boats, sailboats, stand-up paddle boards, and a lakefront cottage. Individual and group sailing lessons available. Full Club and Marina Memberships available for households and individuals. Nonmembers are also welcome for rentals and dining by reservation.,
St. Andrew’s Piecemakers Quilters
7610 Ann Arbor St. (St. Andrew’s United Church of Christ) • (734) 276–6915
Members make quilts for Mott Children’s Hospital, the VA Hospital, and Alpha House in Ann Arbor. Materials and tools provided; no experience necessary. Meets Thurs. 9–11 a.m.
Union Base Ball Club of Dexter
PO Box 11, Dexter 48130
Vintage “base ball” team that plays by authentic 1860s rules.,
Webster Township Historical Society
5501 Webster Church Rd. • (734) 649–0975
Meets 2nd Tues. of Oct., Dec., Feb., Apr., June, and Sept., usually 7 p.m. Maintains Historic Webster Village and Historic Webster archives. Its 7 historic buildings are available for events and rentals. Hosts the Webster Fall Festival (see Major Events). Dues: students $10, individuals $35, families $50, patrons $100.