We received 131 entries correctly identifying the Fake Ad for Cape Elle on page 60 of the May Observer, including many explanations for how Capelli appeared in the ad. Some of them were mostly right; all of them were at least partly wrong.

“On our next fantasy vacation we’ll be staying at Cape Elle—on the east coast? West Coast? Not sure where,” wrote Paul Cartman. “But for sure it’s advertised on page 60 and if you say Cape Elle pretty fast it sounds a lot like Capelli.”

Michael Rycus wrote, “Something’s not right,” noting there’s no Cape Elle northeast of Boston, “Yet the winner’s name was Capelli. What was the Czar thinking? Did he make a mistake? … Must be for some obscure, arcane reason … The two would be pronounced the same if his final e was a long e. I’m certain the czar will explain it all next month.”

Sure thing. “Capelli” is formed by taking “Cape” and adding “Elle” to get the first “L” in Capelli. The second “L” and the “I” at the end of the name are formed from the 51 miles north of Boston. “LI” in Roman numerals is 51. Simple, right?

Our winner was Mira Sussman. She’s taking her gift certificate to Mindo Chocolates.

To enter this month’s contests, send email to backpage@aaobserver.com or to our new mail address: PO Box 1187, AA 48106. All correct entries received by noon, June 10, will be eligible for our random drawings. Winners receive $25 gift cards or certificates to any business advertising in this issue.

Order The Fake Ad and I Spy books here!

To enter this month’s contests, send email to backpage@aaobserver.com or to our new mail address: PO Box 1187,  AA 48106. All correct entries received by noon, June 10, will be eligible for our random drawings. Winners receive $25 gift cards or certificates to any business advertising in this issue.