by Henry, age 10
I am from beautiful rivers and dark green forests full of fruit and animals.
I am from the sound of fans cheering Go Blue, whistles blowing, and cars honking.
I am from the smell of freshly-baked Zingerman’s bread.
I am from the amazing, delicious fruits and vegetables that Michigan markets sell less than a day from when they were harvested.
I am from a place where there are four seasons, hot and cold.
I am from Ann Arbor.
Henry is a student at Bach Elementary. In his free time he likes to play soccer and Nintendo, run, swim, and create art.
This is an original poem, brought to you by Poet Tree Town, an Ann Arbor-based poetry-in-public initiative and celebration of local Washtenaw poets. Find out more about Poet Tree Town on Instagram and Facebook, or say hello at