(888) 767-6424

Services include drivers’ license and state ID applications and renewals, vehicle and boat registration, voter registration and absentee ballot applications, organ donor registration, and disabled parking placard and license plate application. Scheduling an office visit in advance is recommended; visit the website below or call (888) 767-6424 to make an appointment. Some services, including renewing registration or ID, can also be completed at one of 150 self-service stations. The Ann Arbor self-services locations are both at Kroger stores, at 400 S. Maple Kroger and 2641 Plymouth; find other locations at miselfservicestation.com. Many transactions can also be completed online or by mail. Locations at 295 N. Maple and 4675 Washtenaw, Mon., Tues., Thurs., & Fri. 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Wed. 11 a.m.–7 p.m. michigan.gov/sos