We received 158 entries correctly identifying last month’s Fake Ad for Yoda Yoga on page 78 of the July issue. The surname of last month’s winner, Alicia MacLean, was hidden in the phrase, “karMA CLEANse.”
Credit where credit is due–it was the Fake Ad Czar’s daughter, Sophie, who came up with the name of the business. We mention this for two reasons. One, because EMU prof Ellen Schwartz wrote that, “Whoever writes these is incredibly clever!” And, two, because Dean McLaughlin, noticing the Star Wars reference, warned, “Disney Corp. lawyers may have a cease & desist in the mail as I write.” Good luck with that, Sophie. We’ll visit you in the hoosegow.
So many Fake Adders made Star Wars puns in their entries that we feel confident the Force will be with us for a while. “Sounds like a great service,” Becky Freligh wrote, “but for sure Yoda, as a Jedi master, would also personally teach the Warrior postures 1, 2 and 3.”
Our winner. Eric Ivancich, wondered, “Can the winner spend the $25 for a favorable ruling from one of the judicial candidates advertising in this month’s issue?”
We’ll never know–Eric is taking his gift certificate to Zingerman’s.
To enter this month’s contest, find the fake ad in the August issue, identify it by name and page number, and follow the instructions in the box at the bottom of the Back Page. The fake ad always contains the name of last month’s winner in some form.
To enter either contest, send email with the subject “Fake Ad” or “I Spy” to backpage@aaobserver.com. Mail: 2390 Winewood, Ann Arbor, MI 48103. All correct entries received by noon on Sunday, August 10, will be eligible for this month’s random drawings. Winners will receive $25 gift certificates to any business advertising in this issue.