March 17, 2022 10:00 am
Observer EditorObserver Editor, HybridHybrid
Master Rain Gardener Class: Washtenaw County Water Resources

Design your own rain garden step-by-step during class. Become the neighborhood expert! Register: teach you *everything* we know about rain gardens. That includes lessons learned from more than 800 rain gardens built by homeowners just like you! Learn what works and what doesn’t.The class will be Zoom for the lectures, Zoom one-on-one feedback with the instructors, Facebook (or an alternate forum) for discussion/homework. Outdoor field trips.Five lunchtime classes: Thursdays March 3, 10, 17, 24, & April 7, 10:00-12:00. REQUIREMENTS: Participants must attend all five classes & plant or adopt a rain garden to earn their Master Rain Gardener certificate and t-shirt.COVID-19 POLICY: No requirements for virtual sessions. For the outdoor tour ONLY, all participants must follow the Covid-19 policies established by tour hosts.COST: Standard Course Enrollment $89.00. Scholarships available.Registration ends Feb 28Online with in-person visits to people’s outdoor rain gardens

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