February 12, 2023 4:50 pm - 5:50 pm
Community ListingCommunity Listing
All Skills, All Ages Pinball Tournament: Pinball Pete's

Come enjoy a couple hours of the ultimate retro game, pinball, while socializing at one of the country's longest continuously-operating arcades! There is no entry fee, just bring some change to pay for your games. Never played before? No problem! Other competitors can help you learn as you play.

We play 8 rounds total lasting 1.5 - 3 hours. To join, ask a Pinball Pete's employee to help you find the tournament. The arcade even covers the cost to submit scores to the International Flipper Pinball Association so you can become a ranked pinball players! Total out of pocket cost for games is usually $6 or less.

1214 S University Ave ,Ann Arbor. Free to Enter, about $6 for games during the tournament. aapinball@gmail.com. https://www.pinballpetes.org/copy-of-east-lansing-location (734) 213-2502.

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