The only newcomer this season at Mark’s Carts is called The Stop. Wei Zhu, one of three partners in the venture, says they’ll be serving jian bing, a Chinese breakfast crepe.

“It’s really easy to make,” Zhu says. It’s made in two minutes before your eyes, topped with savories like green onion or chili paste, or wrapped around a deep fried wonton. Zhu says that he and partners Jason Quan Ye and James Zhuoran Fan, all engineering students, have no restaurant experience, but when they came to Ann Arbor four years ago from China, they really missed this popular street food. “We’re testing the concept to see if it can be mass produced,” he says–and even sent along a recipe from a food blog.

The Stop joins Simply Spanish, El Manantial, MeiMei’s Dumplings (last year’s Xdelica, renamed), Hut-K, and Revive.

Zhu says The Stop plans to open May 16.

Mark’s Carts, E. Washington between First and Ashley, see for details on individual carts.