An even hundred Fake Adders correctly identified the Fake Ad for St. Nicholas Senior Living on page 97 of the November issue. The ad offered a place for grandparents to stay over the holidays, which struck many people as cruel and many others as an excellent idea.

One of our faithful entrants, Sonia Zawacki, wrote, “I admit that, as a fairly new grandma, I was quite insulted by your St. Nicholas Senior Living ad this month. Whaaat?! Who wouldn’t want me and Papa around for the holidays? We’re a barrel of laughs! Instead of frolicking around with the grandkids I’d be stuck in bed with a snoring old bear? The breakfast doesn’t even look that good. I started feeling sorry for all those fun grandparents who were going to be seeing the inside of a senior living establishment at the request of their very own offspring–let the grandkids decide! But it was funny after I realized it was the Fake Ad. You got me again.

“As always, thanks for the fun!”

Our winner was Joanne Kimata. She’s taking her gift certificate to Cardamom restaurant.

To enter this month’s contest, find the fake ad in the December issue and follow the instructions on the Back Page. The fake ad always contains the name of last month’s winner in some form.