MSU Extension: Home Horticulture Program

705 N. Zeeb • (734) 997–1678 • Garden hotline, (888) 678–3464 Mon., Wed., & Fri. 9 a.m.–noon • Food Safety Hotline (food preservation, canning, or other food safety questions), (877) 643–9882 Mon.–Fri. 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Information and education on best management practices in the landscape and garden, including identification of plant problems and pests, groundwater protection, and water quality., U

Natural Area Preservation

3875 E. Huron River Dr. • (734) 794–6627
Staff and volunteers conduct plant and animal inventories, ecological monitoring, and stewardship projects in Ann Arbor parks. Projects include volunteer surveys of breeding birds, frogs/toads, turtles, and salamanders; seed collecting and sowing; conducting prescribed burns; and more. Volunteer training provided. Leads group hikes and offers educational opportunities., V

Project Grow

Project Grow

PO Box 130293, AA 48113 • (734) 996–3169
Rents garden plots at more than 20 sites. Reduced fees for those unable to pay. Discovery Gardens offers raised beds for all ages and people with disabilities. Free or very low-cost classes on topics such as composting, heirloom plants, organic gardening, food preservation, and more., S, V