We received 174 responses correctly identifying the Fake Ad on p. 11 of the November Observer. The ad was for a book, Can You Have an Online Rhubarb?, self-published by Ed Nimby, a character who’s appeared in several previous Fake Ads as a political candidate. The magic word, Arborweb, bridged the title and the subtitle, Web-Based Rhetoric in the Computer Age.

“It’s nice to see Ed Nimby back,” wrote his near namesake, Ed Kimball. “He hasn’t appeared in a Fake Ad in a long time.”

And Jeff Ristine wrote from far-off San Diego: “Good to know our old friend Ed Nimby has found a career outside politics!”

Our winner, Jan Voress of Adrian, earned a $25 gift certificate to Blue Tractor.

To win your own gift certificate to an advertiser of your choice, find the unreal ad in the December issue and enter by December 10 using the instructions at the bottom of p. 87.